Accomplishment I've Ever Achieved...
* Junior High School*
when I was in a junior high school.. I've ever lead my class to school competition, a competition about creation between foods, drinks and art. there is 9 class ( contestant ) who participating in that competition..and there is only three winner of the nine . and I win as a second champion in that school champion. I was success manage my class to win the race by grabing the second champion.
* Senior High School*
So When I'm in senior high school I was joining the drama club.. and I've been chosen to be the leader of that club.. generally we only leading some club just for one year, but I'm being a lead of that club about two years, so since I was joining until I'm abuot to graduation I'm still leader of that club.. for me it's okay being a leader for two years it's also motivated me to work more hard.. to devided my time for studying at school and for my hobby's ( that club ) . when I'm leading that club we always win in every competition in every school, and our school club becoming famous in every other school club. and of course i wouldn't made it if there is no help from my friends and our beloved coach :)
and the other story of mine when I was in high school is.. there is an open registration of art team of the school for new students.. and of course there is a lot of student who want to sign up.. there is about 150 students and only 36 who can get in. we've intervew and we have to show our liability about art to them and tell the story about our achievement before.
and guess what?! I'M IN !!! hehehe i'm So happy in that point.. but sadly 2 of my friends who also want to join can't get in with me.. so it's only me with 35 other students.
* During the lecture *
so there is Japanese theater in Indonesia.. it's called ENJUKU
i was dying to get into that theater. and yes again.. as i know that's the official theater japan in indonesia so of course there is lot of people want to join that theater.. first of all when i was coming the adition.. my heart beat so fast.. my hands was cold.. i'm so nervous. so a couple of day after that competition.. i was shocked.. they call me, and tell me that i was accepted. and i'm so happy but it doesn't go long.. because the schedule of rehearsal was clashed with my class schedule. so i have to choose between my hoby and my education.. and yes of course i choose my education.. so with heavy heart i have to let go ENJUKU and focus with my education.
in the meantime.. I have two seminar.. my first is economy shariah and the second one is akuntansi forensik.. which both of them is help me a lot to see the opportunity I might can get.. and open my eyes about how big opportunity I can get.. we can get.. so it's depend on us. there is huge things that we can knew.. and we will knew.. as long as we want it :)
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