
Selasa, 19 Juni 2012

happy ever after

It is right "happy ever after" did exist?

maybe yes,for the people who believe it , for the people want to work hard for it
for the people really trust the miracle around us..
so how about the people who sick and tired for it? maybe the right answer for it is.. do it right,no matter how hard,no matter how hurt it is,maybe they can use they logic for live..

everybody is unique have another way,have a huge heart, have a brain,so they can think for them self.

we can pray,we can eat, we can do everything that we want, but we can't push someone to do what they don't like to do..hh..when we in relationship..we always think about "us" the truly is .. ALL ABOUT YOUR SELF. and nothing about us. when you want to end up some relathionship,its because you not comfortable you want find something who can make you comfortable..

so you move on.. make the right decision..make some huge think..

everybody is original.. no one can replace it,even it's identical robot..NO ONE.


time is running very fast,so we have too . WE ALL THE FIGHTER. fight for what we do,fight for what we want..fight to make some special happy..fight for our self..everybody have beautiful think to do,but somehow they filed it. and sometimes maybe because they try hard enough and didn't get it.they stop,quit,and turn around. right? maybe they shouldn't maybe all they need is TIME.. let time asnwer it..if we already try enough and prayer,so let it be..if it's meant to be,it will be.. so relax.. just try to enjoy every second time who really running very fast .. because that is nothing we can do except deal with it.


Sebagai mahasiswa gundarma,kalo ada yang nanya "apasih komentar kamu tentang gunadarma ?" mungkin gue cuma bisa bilang "WAW".kenapa ko waw?

bisa dilihat aja dari gedungnya perkuliahahnnya yah ->

itu gedungnya yang di klapa dua,buat kelasnya doang tapiii,
kalo buat prakteknya ada lagi
nih niiiiih


terus ada satu lagi nih di klapa dua  jadi kelapa duaaa,semcam ngeborong gedung gundar gitu hehe

hemm parkirnya? ko kayanya mobil semua yah?dih kata siapaaa mau liaaat gundar juga ada gedung parkir sendiri doooong parkir motor maksdnya .....

niiiiiiih ->                

mantep kan?
Terus terus dimana lagi gedungnya?depok ada kan? depok..ADA nih

teruuuus ada di kalimalang,salembaaaaa,kenariii,terus banyak deh,dan ga mungkin juga gue kasih semua gambar kaaan?
Bukan karna gue mahasiswanya terus gue bangga - banggain juga yah,tapi menurut gue gundar patut buat di perhitungkan sebagai pilihan looh :D hemm tapi jangan ampe nyeselll masuk situu soalnya kadang gue ngerasa kaya tentara masuk sana? hehe kenapa? karna tuh penuh perjuangan bgt men..
"semua" di perjuangin yaaa ga seserem itu juga siiih tapi ga bisa santai santai juga di gundar kann,tapi boleh kalo mau santai..tapi lo bakal lama keluarnya ..ko?! makluuuuuum..katanya mau santai? ya lama lah keluarnya....

banyak hal yang menarik dari gunadarma.. "oh iya apaan?" "TUGASNYA!"
"lah? ko tugasnya yang menarik?"" udah gausah banyak tanya." *mendadak sensi kalo ngomongin tugas

gue MABA di gundar jadi yaaah minim yang gue tau tentang gundar..pokonya buat the next MABA jangan songongong maksdnya nyepelehin gituuu..terus "DI PIKIR BAIK - BAIK" kalo mau masuk gundar yang wonderful ini yah..
perbanyak infoo,hemm ttg tempat belajar kamu buat 4 tahun kedepan,jangan ampe nyesel ;)